Tomorrow after worship the people of City-Wide Redeemer will join us at our neighborhood park for our first annual Spring Picnic. I can't wait. John Cherne will be in charge of the grill. This is going to be a treat for sure. Any time your cook says that he needs the meats 36 hours in advance you know he must have something good in mind. We had his spaghetti in December and it was three servings-kind-of-good. He told me that tomorrow we will find out he has more than noodles and sauce up his culinary sleeves.
One of our neighbors has given us a good rate to use their castle jumper. That is sure to be a huge hit with the kids. I'm sad, though, that I won't be able to get any footage of my man Andy Stremmel (Andy, you knew your name would show up eventually.) in the castle. Actually I'd rather get a picture of him having his face painted like Spider Man. For those of you who don't know Andy, he is one of the lead servants in our growing church family. If something needs to be done he is right there to jump in. City-Wide Redeemer is greatly blessed because he's not the only one with such a servant's heart. I could name a dozen other folks who fall into that category. I'm thankful to be serving with all of them.
I've been very sick today. I don't know what I've got, if anything. It could be an allergic reaction to something in the air outside. All I know is that it hurts to swallow, my head is achy, and my body energy levels are at about 50%. It has made it difficult for me to mentally focus for tomorrow's worship. I'm thankful for the Holy Spirit. God's word will go out and will have its intended effect. I'm glad that's not my job. That is a great relief.
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