Monday, December 17, 2007

Looking Back at Worship

We weren't able to get the video update that I promised. I'm sorry. Here's the written update:

What a great day we had together! I can't believe that we are now talking about our first service of worship in the past tense. Yesterday marked the first Sunday morning service of worship for City-Wide Redeemer in North Las Vegas. After worship we invited everyone to stick around for some of Angie's chili and the necessary sides, and most were able to stay for an hour or so.

We had a tremendous sense of God's presence. Several people commented on the different ways that our Savior led them and met them in worship. As a pastor this is such an encouragement. I have nothing to say that can make any lasting impact in the lives of people. But God does speak life and change that is lasting, and he did as we heard and spoke his word together.

Our home will be our place of worship for two more weeks and we should be able to squeeze in since a few of our families will be out of town for Christmas travel. We were praying all week that the sounds from the nursery and the children's lesson upstairs wouldn't overcome our service downstairs. God answered that prayer. He even brought an extra helper to join our 3-5 year-old group as they numbered twice what we anticipated.

God is growing his church. We have a sense that he is continually before us as he draws his people to himself and to each other in this local church. We already feel as though we are just hanging on for the ride.

Some of you might feel as though the need for continued prayer is lessening now that we are meeting for Sunday morning worship. Please don't stop praying. Several folks at City-Wide are new in the faith and will undoubtedly experience much opposition from the evil one. Pray that all of us will continue to grow in our faith, hope and love. Pray that everyone will readily find their place of service within the body and come quickly to a place of being able to come along others as God continues to bring new people into the body. Pray that our transition into the local middle school in early January goes well. Please also pray for our relationship with the school. We hope to serve the school by providing some janitorial help once each week. Pray that we will serve well. Pray that the many children of City-wide Redeemer will grow in their understanding of God's work in Christ Jesus.

Thank you for your prayers and for your continued support of God's work in Las Vegas.


Stephen Leung said...

Fantastic news, Phil! All praise to the Lord. It is a delightful blessing to see our young children being "evangelists" too.

Seima Aoyagi said...

What a great news to hear, Phil. I prayed for the people came and was encouraged even just by imagining that thier life will be drasticly changed because of this church.

Me and Angie

Me and Angie
December 2010