Friday, December 7, 2007

An Update on Angie's Father

We just returned from the hospital where Angie's dad is recovering from his late night surgery last eventing. Doctors were able to insert two rods into his leg and his punctured lung continues to heal. Nurses were teasing him this morning, telling him, "Now when you wake up in the morning feeling sore and tired you really can say, 'I' feel like I've been hit by a bus.'"

What a grace it is to have these moments of laughter just hours after we were faced with a mountain of fears when the news first came that Angie's father had been struck while riding his motorcycle. It was so great to see him today. We rejoice at God's kindness through this difficulty. When I told him that so many of you have written and/or called to express your concern and continued commitment to prayer he asked me to write on his behalf to say, "Thank you." Thank you indeed!

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Me and Angie

Me and Angie
December 2010