Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Blizzard...and some More Good News

The wind blew; the palm trees were bent by the force. Clouds rolled over the top of our tiny neighborhood with the threat of a major winter storm. And did it ever storm!

A few hours later I was able to get outside and capture this scene in the aftermath. As you can see we received at least six inches of snow, with a two foot snow drift.

Last evening my oldest son and I rode along with one of our neighbors and his three children up to a place called Lee Canyon. It's only about a thirty minute drive from the house. There we found a virtual winter wonder land and thought we'd bring some back for the kids to wake up and see.

This has been the scene this morning as children from around the neighborhood are climbing the 15 foot hill and abandoning all caution as they roar down the hill at speeds reaching 3 mph.

We have so much to be thankful for. This year we are especially thankful for the relationships that our Lord has given us with our neighbors in just a few short months.


Last week we were able to confirm our arrangements with a local middle school to use their facilities for Sunday morning services of worship. God has worked to give us a great relationship with the staff at the school. They have invited us to come on Wednesday afternoons for a couple of hours to volunteer some time in order to help beautify the campus. Please pray that our service will point to the Savior.

The theatre where we'll be gathering seats 104 people and the drama teacher at the school offered to allow us use of their sound equipment. This means that we don't have chairs or audio equipment to haul around! We will also be using another adjacent room for nursery care and one more for a morning lesson for our 4 - 7 year-old group.

God continues to introduce us to people that he is bringing into the kingdom and into his service as a part of the City-Wide Redeemer church family. We praise him for the opportunity to sit in the front row, as it were, of his activity in this place.


Today my father-in-law was able to return home for the first time since his motorcycle accident. He proclaimed today, "This is the best Christmas ever because I'm alive." It's the best Christmas ever for us too as we thank our Lord for his mercy in the life of this man so many of us hold so dear. He told me last week that he has continued thanks for those who prayed for him during his recovery. Today is just a short visit home. He may be at home to stay by the end of the week. Please continue to keep him in your prayers.

Merry Christmas from North Las Vegas!

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Me and Angie

Me and Angie
December 2010