Eric and I returned home from LA just before midnight Tuesday evening. He is now armed and dangerous (I'll explain in a minute). Yesterday was a recovery day. I'm officially recovered.
As a mission church of the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) we enjoy the fellowship of several other pastors of churches in this region (Nevada and South/central California) who are committed to the mutual protection of each other's hearts and the purity of the gospel within our ministries. This collection of pastors/elders make up what what is called a presbytery. Presbutero is the transliteration of the Greek for "elder," so presbytery means "collection or gathering of elders." I personally am hoping that we can change the name to elder dudes, but then I guess we'd have to say that we are part of elderdudenism. Maybe we'll just stick with being Presbyterian.
As a presbytery, these men often invite candidates to gospel ministry into their gathering for the purpose of being tested as to matters of the heart and soundness of theological understanding. This process includes a couple years of internship/seminary education and concludes with the steps of being licensed to preach and finally ordained (called) to vocational gospel ministry.
Eric's oral testing of the floor of presbytery went very well. He proved himself to be a faithful servant of the gospel and of our Lord. He is a man full of the Holy Spirit. In May, Lord willing, he will undergo further exams ahead of being ordained in the PCA.
It's good to be home. The drive back into town from the south provides some incredible views of the lights and buildings that make up the downtown of this great city. May God continue to make His name ever greater here!
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