Monday, September 1, 2008


This morning brought some cool breezes across the Vegas desert floor for the first time in months. It was nice to be out for a bit this morning. I might even take a bike ride today.

I crashed into bed last night exhausted. It was a long day, and a long week. It seemed appropriate that I was keenly aware of my need to experience God's strength on a week when I was preaching about his ability to "make all grace abound to us, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, we may abound in every good work."

About 1/3 of the City-Wide Redeemer church family was out of town yesterday, taking advantage of summer's last three-day weekend. It will be nice to worship together with them next weekend.

I've been getting to know some other pastors in town. Some of those meetings have been more encouraging than others. A few of those guys seem to want no sense of fellowship with me. They believe the gospel. I believe the gospel. They are indwelt (as far as I can tell) by God's Spirit. I'm indwelt by God's Spirit. I don't know what I'm missing. I'll wait on God to work.

Our oldest is preparing for school tomorrow. He doesn't want to go. I'm praying that God will carry him through this semester.

God has added another community group to City-Wide Redeemer. Very cool.

My piano playing is coming along. Slow, but sure. It continues to be a great relief from the stresses of the day.

Eric's dad, still hospitalized from his stroke last Tuesday morning, is responding a bit more today. He is still in the ICU. We continue to pray.

The following quote is from an AP story on hurricane Gustav. It is from an interview early this morning while the hurricane was coming ashore. I find it to be classic.

"We wanted to be part of a historic event," said Benton Love, 30, stood outside Johnny White's Sports Bar with a whiskey and Diet Coke. "We knew Johnny White's would be the place to be. We'll probably switch to water about 10 o'clock, sober up, and see if we can help out."

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Me and Angie

Me and Angie
December 2010