Monday, July 14, 2008


I left the house this morning at 5:00 to play a round of golf with some guys who have become great friends. I nearly broke 80 for the first time on a par 72 course. Maybe next time. The morning, though, was perfect. There was no wind, only green grass that gave way to the brown and gray mountains that surround this valley. Hardly a noise invaded our tranquility. I could have shot 120 and had a great time.

Yesterday's worship was the second week in our new facility. We are continuing to work out a few kinks with respect to sound. The trouble comes in the fact that we are using some of the equipment from the school--a great provision--along with some of our things. Getting everything set up isn't yet efficient because we aren't sure how the school's system will be left for us, but our sound man should have things smoothed out by next week. We didn't experience any glitches during worship.

Several guests joined us for the first time yesterday. It seems like we are about to experience another surge of growth. Eric and I were talking today about what that will mean in terms of discipleship. Following Jesus in this is fun.

We looked at our finances for the remainder of the year. We have got huge holes in our budget for the months of August, November and December. I can't wait to see how God provides so that we can continue the work here without major interruption.

Our oldest son is in AZ with his grandparents. He's been there for more than two weeks. I miss him. I think he is enjoying the time absent from two little siblings that often require much patience for him.

We are going to try and paint our front room tonight. I love painting. No I hate painting. I love the results. I was going to rent a spray gun but that would mean multiple trips to Home Depot. I'll just try and cut in things by hand and see what we get. Tape is good.

I'll be going to Cleveland, MS next month. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to share the vision for our work here with a church there. Hopefully God will place provision in their hands and a desire on their hearts to partner with us. I continue to be amazed at what God has already done here. My faith factor is up 1238 points since we arrived in Las Vegas.

Our regular server at Chili's told us today that she might be miscarrying her first child. This is very sad. We'll pray for God to be gracious to her and their child, and for Him to produce an increase of faith in her life through this difficult time. Death sucks.

I'm looking forward to the renewed earth more and more.

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Me and Angie

Me and Angie
December 2010