Thursday, March 27, 2008


I just came in from our neighborhood park. Angie is out for the evening getting some much needed time to recharge her batteries. The kids have been full of energy all afternoon, which means that getting them to bed might not go as smoothly as I had hoped. That is why I asked them if they wanted to have races at the park. They each did the equivalent of 12 wind sprints. That was a win-win. I was making them tired without having to move and they were having fun. Parenting rarely is so easy.

Eric told me today that God led him to another person who was being brought into the kingdom this morning. Eric and this man found themselves sitting next to each other at Starbucks this morning while Eric waited for his folks to finish a visit to the doctor. They spoke for a while and Eric was able to share the gospel with him. Seeing broken people find a ray of hope in the gospel as they give themselves in faith to the God who made them has got to be the best part about this calling as a church planter. I'm looking forward to meeting this man for the first time this weekend at worship.

We are expecting several other first-time visitors again this Sunday. That too is a great encouragement. It is also scary because we are heading into uncharted waters in terms of our size. It appears that soon there will be so many people that Eric and I cannot experience the closeness in relationship that we have been able to enjoy to this point with everyone at City-Wide Redeemer. We are thankful that already many people at City-Wide have shown a giftedness and willingness to know and love new people well. This too is a great joy to witness.

I'm off to see who wants to have races to get into their pajamas and get into bed. "Who wants to be the first person to sleep?" I'll have to declare the winner in the morning.

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Me and Angie

Me and Angie
December 2010