I've had a bit of a funk two Mondays in a row now. Not sure what that's all about. I'm fighting back with some extra time in God's word this morning. It's so helpful to be reminded of the innumerable ways that God is for us. I just don't think I can hear that enough.
Sunday morning at City-Wide Redeemer was a great encouragement to me. We have seen several guests over the past few weeks again. Looking forward to getting to know some of these new families.
Our Sunday morning set-up crew has been such a blessing to us. Not sure if most people realize what goes in to making the sound and video projection work like it does, but their work is so appreciated!
Looks like next week will mark the first meeting of our missional community here on the north side. Really looking forward to seeing how Jesus leads the group into new areas of service in our city. We have so many gifted people who share a great desire to be used by the Lord. He will use them, I'm sure of it.
We will also be starting two new missional communities (MC's) over the next couple of months closer to the city center. I am still praying much about these possibilities and beginning to meet with potential leaders for the communities. The possibilities there are also very exciting. If God is in this, those two MC's will likely begin meeting mid-week for regular worship as well. We may be on the verge of seeing seeds of our first church plant already! We're trying to go slow.
Philip Jr. was sick to the point of needing urgent care last night. They got him all fixed up, though, and today he appears to be on the road to recovery. He was disappointed that his illness would mean missed days at school. "I really wanted perfect attendance this year!" I couldn't believe my ears. What a difference being in a school where he's learning things that excited him makes. Very thankful.
I tried removing a ceramic tile in my kitchen in order to make preparations for a small modification I'm making to the cabinet arrangements. What a chore! Those tiles just don't want to come up. I was in there with a three lb hammer and cold chisel and only removing one or two square inches at a time while shards flew everywhere. I gave up. Maybe I'll get after it some more tomorrow.
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